Terms and Conditions


Generate a complimentary terms and conditions agreement (also known as terms of use or terms of service) for your website or app to enhance the protection of your business.

Designed for All Businesses

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Adheres to Privacy Laws

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How Does Our Terms and Conditions

Generator Work?

Simply adhere to these easy procedures to obtain customised Terms and Conditions that are in compliance for your software, website, or app.

Generate a Free Terms and Conditions

Most blogs and websites don't even realise they require privacy rules. Create a unique privacy policy for your website to stay within the law. Our products work with a variety of platforms, including WordPress, Godaddy, Weebly, and others.

Even though you are exempt from regulations like the GDPR and CCPA, some app stores, like Apple's App Store and Google Play, demand that your app have a privacy policy. By studying the requirements set forth by app stores and releasing a privacy statement, you can avoid having your app stopped or uninstalled.

You need to have a privacy policy in order to use some third-party services and technologies, such as Google Analytics and Google Maps. With our free privacy policy generator, you can quickly create the ideal app privacy policy.

A privacy statement is required for your subscription-based service to cover the gathering of user information. According to privacy rules, email addresses, financial information, and more are all considered personal data. A free privacy policy will keep your SaaS software anonymous.

Facebook requires apps on its platform to publish a privacy policy. You’ll need to have a privacy policy link ready before your app can go live. Facebook’s Platform Terms lists the requirements you’ll need to meet. Your privacy policy will also need to comply with any relevant laws.

Some third-party services, such as AdSense and Facebook Marketplace, require you to submit a compliant privacy policy even if you don't believe you need one. To meet the needs of your third-party tool, you may establish a customised policy with the aid of our free privacy policy generator.

Terms and Conditions FAQ

If you gather any personal information or personal data from users, you must have a privacy policy in accordance with international legislation and contemporary business practises. Personal data can contain cookie information, IP addresses, email addresses, and more in addition to names and addresses.

What are Terms and Conditions?
  1. Terms and Conditions (also known as Terms of Use or Terms of Service) are a set of rules and guidelines that govern the relationship between a company or website/app operator and its users. These terms outline the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both parties when using the company’s services or accessing its website or app.

Why are Terms and Conditions important?

Terms and Conditions are important for several reasons:

  1. Legal protection: They establish the legal rights and obligations of the company and its users, protecting the company’s interests and limiting potential liabilities.

  2. User agreement: By using the company’s services or accessing its website/app, users agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions, ensuring they understand and comply with the rules and policies set forth by the company.

  3. Dispute resolution: Terms and Conditions often include provisions for dispute resolution, including arbitration or limitations on legal actions, which can help resolve conflicts between the company and its users more efficiently.

  4. Intellectual property protection: Terms and Conditions can address issues related to intellectual property rights, specifying how the company’s content, trademarks, or copyrighted material can be used or shared by users.

  5. Privacy and data protection: Terms and Conditions can include a Privacy Policy, which informs users about how their personal information is collected, stored, and used by the company, ensuring compliance with privacy laws.

What should be included in Terms and Conditions?
  1. While the specific content of Terms and Conditions may vary depending on the nature of the business, it generally covers the following aspects:

    1. Acceptance of terms: Users must explicitly agree to the Terms and Conditions before using the services.

    2. User obligations: Outlines the responsibilities and prohibited activities of users when accessing or using the services.

    3. Intellectual property: Defines the ownership and use of intellectual property, trademarks, copyrights, and any user-generated content.

    4. Limitations of liability: Specifies the limitations and disclaimers of liability for the company.

    5. Dispute resolution: Outlines the process for resolving disputes, including arbitration or mediation.

    6. Privacy policy: References or includes a link to the company’s Privacy Policy, which explains how personal data is collected, used, and protected.

    7. Termination: Describes the conditions under which the company can terminate or suspend user accounts or access to the services.

    8. Governing law: Specifies the jurisdiction and laws that apply to the Terms and Conditions.

    Note that it is advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure that your Terms and Conditions are compliant with applicable laws and tailored to your specific business needs.

Are Terms and Conditions legally binding?

Yes, Terms and Conditions are legally binding when properly implemented and agreed upon by both parties. When users agree to the Terms and Conditions, usually through actions like checking a box or clicking a button that indicates acceptance, a legally binding contract is formed between the company and the user.

Can Terms and Conditions be updated or modified?
  1. Yes, Terms and Conditions can be updated or modified. It is common for businesses to have a clause in their Terms and Conditions that allows them to make changes to the agreement. When updating the Terms and Conditions, it is important to notify users of the changes and provide them with an opportunity to review and accept the updated terms. Timely communication and transparency are key to ensuring users are aware of any changes that may affect their rights or obligations.

How can users access the Terms and Conditions?
  1. Companies typically provide a link to their Terms and Conditions on their website or app. This link is often found in the footer section or in the account settings area. It is important to make the Terms and Conditions easily accessible and visible to users, as they should be able to review the terms before using the services or creating an account.

What happens if users violate the Terms and Conditions?
  1. If users violate the Terms and Conditions, the company may take appropriate actions, such as issuing warnings, suspending or terminating user accounts, or pursuing legal remedies, depending on the severity and nature of the violation. The consequences for violating the Terms and Conditions should be clearly outlined in the agreement.

Do Terms and Conditions apply to mobile apps?
  1. Yes, Terms and Conditions apply to mobile apps, just as they do to websites. Mobile apps should have a section within the app or a link to the Terms and Conditions that users can access. It is important to ensure that the Terms and Conditions are applicable to the specific features and functionalities of the mobile app.

Are Terms and Conditions required by law?
  1. While there is no universal legal requirement for businesses to have Terms and Conditions, they are highly recommended and often considered a best practice. Terms and Conditions help protect businesses by establishing the rules and expectations for the use of their services, and they also ensure transparency and inform users of their rights and obligations.

Should I consult a lawyer to draft my Terms and Conditions?
  1. It is highly recommended to consult with a qualified lawyer when drafting or reviewing your Terms and Conditions. Laws and regulations regarding user agreements, privacy, and intellectual property can vary across jurisdictions, and a lawyer can ensure that your Terms and Conditions comply with applicable laws and provide adequate protection for your business.

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